Sweet potato & tempeh curry with homemade tortilla chips

RECIPES! Love or hate?! I love a recipe – it inspires me and gives me ideas of something new to try…BUT…does anyone else find it a bit stressful following a recipe?! All of the reading, interpreting, reading again…etc! So, a few tips: 1. Do your prep. Do the chopping first, putting each item in a […]

Plant milks

Making your own plant-based milk drinks is so easy and satisfying you will wonder why you never tried it before.

Green macaroni (un)cheese

If you once ate cheese but now you don’t, a dish like macaroni cheese is something you will most likely miss. It is the epitome of comfort food. Give this healthy twist on the classic a go and see how this vegan version can be even better than the original.

Roasted winter vegetable & butterbean herby quinoa salad

A super easy throw-it-all-together lunch or meal on the go. Works great made in bulk for several day’s meals and a great way to use up a bunch of leftover veg in your fridge.

Spinach, pea and parsley pesto

Pesto is so quick and easy to make and always a satisfying meal. It’s really versatile too with so many lovely twists you can choose, depending what you have available on the day. Hence the invention of this tasty recipe that breaks from the norm.

Sweet potato and quinoa burgers

This week is National Vegetarian Week! Of course you don’t need to be veggie to take part and, maybe it’s better if you aren’t. Use this week to explore the wonderful tastes and textures of veggie food, starting with this satisfying burger.

The human obsession with labels

Are you a vegetarian? Vegan? Gluten-free? Dairy-free? Paleo? Sugar-free? Raw? Pescatarian? Flexitarian? Fruitarian? 5:2 faster? Yo-yo dieter? Meat-free Mondays-er?! We love to give ourselves a label. But why do we feel the need to put our and others diets into a box?

A mega breakfast – double recipe post

We had breakfast later than usual today so went crazy and had both porridge AND a green smoothie! And it was delicious. I had to share…

Smoothies for babies…my way!

Since my baby started eating solid food at about 6 months I’ve found a smoothie is an easy and excellent way to easily provide her with lots of great nutrition; and she loves it!

My health inspiration: The UnDiet Cookbook review

I’ve always tried to be healthy but now I look back I realise how I was getting it all wrong and, if anything, was probably doing myself more harm than good and affecting my health long term in the way I was eating. Then, two years ago, something broke the cycle: the UnDiet!

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