Carrot top houmous

I love houmous! It’s so easy to make, nutritious and versatile. It can add a great protein component to a light meal or a lovely balanced snack. This version even uses up an ingredient that might otherwise go to waste: carrot tops.

My health inspiration: The UnDiet Cookbook review

I’ve always tried to be healthy but now I look back I realise how I was getting it all wrong and, if anything, was probably doing myself more harm than good and affecting my health long term in the way I was eating. Then, two years ago, something broke the cycle: the UnDiet!

Nut butter cookies

Once you give these nut butter cookies a go they are sure to become a staple in your household as they have done in mine. Easy, fast and delicious. Don’t expect to have many leftover!…

Top 7 non-meat protein sources

Do you think you get enough protein in your diet? Many people don’t eat a quality protein source until lunch, or even their evening meal. In this blog post you will discover how to easily and deliciously incorporate protein into every meal. PLUS, a free meal plan to put it all into action.

Top 10 super snacks

Do you have good intentions to eat healthily but find yourself getting hungry between meals and cannot think of quick healthy snacks to satisfy you? No fear, as here I describe 10 snack ideas that are quick, easy, healthy and will help to give you the energy you need to get through your day.

Holiday honey flapjacks

If you think home baking is only for those with a store cupboard full of ingredients, recipe books, complex utensils and time on their hands, these super-easy flapjacks I invented and cooked in my holiday apartment prove that all wrong!

Hummus heaven

Hummus is a fantastic, delicious, nutritious snack at any time of the day. Making your own is super easy and if you get in the habit can become a quick and easy part of a weekly routine. Here I will feature not one but FOUR mouthwatering recipes to tempt you!

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